Thursday, December 9, 2010

Success in Oriflame with The Law of Attraction

You create everything in your world by your thought energy. 

Thought energy is controlled or directed by what you focus on. When you focus on what you want, you get what you want. As soon as you focus on something, thoughts start popping up in your mind. 

Thoughts bring feelings and vibration and that bring even more similar thoughts in your mind. When you constantly think on 1 topic, emotions starts emerging. Emotions give you energy and put you to action to achieve what ever you have been focusing on. 

You attract what ever you give your focus and attention. When you want something, just focus on it, let thoughts of that topic emerge and then let emotions move you into action, then success is yours.

Learn all this is a step by step manner in our 'Law of Attraction - Success Workshop'

Author: +Jashmi Waghela 

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